Monday 5 August 2013

She Eats, She Wears, He cooks: Surf 'n' Turf

I've decided to do something a little different with a guest post by my lovely boyfriend. As I'm a vegetarian and he's a big meat eater I figured I'd balance out my blog a little :) He's a great cook so enjoy! 

 :) xoxo

Surf 'n' Turf. Unison of land and sea on a plate. Every meat eaters dream - well mine at least. Chowing down on a a large tuna steak smothered in the salty goodness that is bacon. I’m no good with recipes, I usually make it up as I go along so I usually combine some unorthodox components. Most likely a combination of what I have in the fridge and cupboards all piled together onto round china. 

Most recently a cod fillet slow baked on a bed of bacon - unsmoked, however smoked adds a further depth of flavour - along with a steak medallion. Fried potatoes to replace chips (a personal favourite).

Take your potatoes stab them several times with a sharp knife, cook in the microwave for around ten minutes for medium sized ‘taters. Once cooked, watch your fingers and cut into slices to your preferred thickness and fry gently in a pan with a hearty wedge of butter.

For your garnish or a side of sorts, I’m usually a touch naughty and go with a cream sauce with fried mushrooms and onion - depending on the mood either spring or good ol’ regular. Fry up your ‘veg’, the term veg held very loosely, season to taste. I find adding a squeeze of lemon juice adds that little bit extra. Then turn the heat down, add your cream and allow to simmer for a while. Trick is to not let it reduce too much as it tends to get a little heavy, just remember to taste often.

On to the most important part - the meat! I prefer to cook both meats separately as they tend to cook better. As an example; back to the central theme of my ramblings - bacon. I prefer my bacon slow cooked to a crisp, and my fish baked with the exception of tuna steaks of which there is no other way but to flash fry dry on a griddle pan.

That’s all folks!

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